Angel Messages

Spring is the perfect time for a fresh new start! Make new goals, create a daily spiritual routine to help you feel more connected to God. Pray and meditate every day. Write down your thoughts. Ask your Angels to help you with anything and everything you need help with in your life! Angels are God’s messengers and they are here to give us love, support and comfort!

Angels inspire me every day to reach out and help people. This sweet friend of mine has been an incredible example of service. She gives service with her whole heart every day! Look around you for people who are in need. Let’s drop all judgments and learn to love unconditionally. We are here to lift one another’s burdens.

Easter Sunday: I love this painting! He Lives by Joseph Brickey. Easter morning is when we commemorate the miracle of the empty tomb. Angels ? descended from heaven and rolled away the stone. Jesus had risen from the tomb. He is our King, our Lord, our Master, The Living Christ! He Lives! He loves us and we love him!

Let go and let God. Your life is divinely guided. Letting go can heal the need to be in control. Now is the time to surrender. Pray and listen. Allow God to give you direction and inspiration. Open your heart and let it in!

Reflect on your past and recognize the valuable lessons you have learned. Ask God to help you release negative thoughts and forgive others. Your journey ahead is full of miracles.

Angelic Messages can be delivered by a voice or merely by thoughts and feelings communicated to the mind.

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