At Home With an Angel

Our deceased friends and loved ones can often help us.

Many years ago, after 5 years of marriage, we moved in ​to a fairytale home. It was made all of stone, and it was built in 1860. This home was very special and well-cared for. We bought it from the children who grew up in the home after both their had parents passed away; their parents had​ ​moved into the house in the 1930s and spent the rest of their lives there.

As my husband and I were beginning our journey in this home, I experienced my first miscarriage. It was a very difficult time for me, and I didn’t feel like I had the full support I needed. That night, while lying in bed, I felt the previous owner of the home with me. I had seen her as a spirit in the home many times before—she loved being there because the house had been such a huge part of her life—but when she came to me this time, she comforted me in a way I had not been comforted before. She told me how she understood what I was going through, as she herself had experienced many miscarriages. This brought me solace, and I was able to sleep better with the love and support this angel provided.

The next day, I went to the home of one of the angel’s daughter. I told her about the experience of her mother coming to me the previous night and helping me through my miscarriage. Her daughter told me she wasn’t surprised, that, in fact, her mother did have many miscarriages in that very home, and there would have been no one more understanding about the pain of a miscarriage than her mother.

This was one of many experiences I have had with the angels of our ​l​oved ones who have crossed over. In this case, I had never met the angel who had helped me while she was here on earth, but still, she cared enough to help me with my pain.

We all have angels that surround us; they are our friends, our family, and even others we might not have physically known but who still understand what we are going through and want to comfort us in our most troubled times.

Have you had experiences with angels comforting you? Feel free to post your story ​​in our comments below or to email healing@michell-backup.local so we can feature it for others to read on our blog page (with your permission, of course)!


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