Angel Messages

Angels speak to those who silence their minds long enough to hear.

Be honest with yourself and speak your truth. Speak from your heart. Follow your inner guidance. Often the hardest thing about living your truth is knowing what that is. There is a place inside of you that always knows the truth. Sometimes it takes sincere silence and deep stillness to find that voice. Once you discover it, let go of anything that is not authentic in your life. Release relationships that do not empower you and situations where you find yourself being less than honest for fear of being judged or not excepted. Miracles happen when you take the time to be your genuine self. Live your truth!

Life does not end here. Your spirit lives on forever. I know this with every ounce of my being. I have been able to see and hear angels my entire life and I know our family members and friends live on. They continue to watch over us every day. I hope you can feel the love that surrounds you.

Nothing in this material world will ever make you permanently happy. Nothing external leads to internal happiness! This year let us focus more on love and relationships. We take these home with us forever!

Now is the time for you to shine and remember who you really are and where you came from.

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