FREE Online Women’s Retreat (Virtual Retreat Via Zoom)

Two Hour Live FREE Online Women’s Retreat.

Join live or watch the recording. The recording will be emailed to all who sign up!

Hello Beautiful Souls!
This is a space for healing and breakthrough. An opportunity to release all the energy that you have picked up in the world that weighs heavy on you, and replace it with love, light & healing. A safe space to return to yourself and the wisdom within. To prioritize and honor your own energy first – with a community that is doing the same. A container for the practices, resources and community that will support your expansion and integration.

We will come together LIVE in a virtual community for a powerful healing session like nothing you’ve ever experienced.
This event is packed with resources to help you integrate your practice throughout the month. During each online retreat I will guide you through a powerful guided meditation, combined with long distance energy healing.

A style of energetic work developed by healer and founder Michell Powers for nearly 15 years of her own spiritual practice. With a focus on the chakra system and the power of deep presence, this practice clears and opens blocked or stuck energies that can make us feel heavy and disconnected; connecting us back to the vital Source at our core. Ascension Energy Healing is built on the premise that all healing is available in the HERE and NOW, reconnecting you with the healer within you. This work relies on the universal energy running through us all, trusting that we all have the innate wisdom and capacity to connect to the deep consciousness within.

Join me for a life changing experience, with beautiful like minded souls!

*In preparation for the event please have a journal or notebook available to take notes, wear comfortable cloths, find a quiet cozy location away from distractions during the event and I always recommend having your favorite drinks & snacks on hand to create the ultimate, relaxing, high vibe experience!
See you soon✨

With love & light,
Michell Powers


Mar 27 2024


5:00 pm - 7:00 pm


Michell Powers
Michell Powers
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